Massive FPGA Capture.

Monitor FPGA internal signals.

Visualize design operating at speed.

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Exostiv setup with FPGA board and display in waveform viewer


  • Huge cost savings: no FPGA bugs in production
  • Lower total engineering costs
  • Allows at speed analysis of complex FPGA design placed in real environment
  • Overcomes incomplete or flawed simulation-only approaches
  • Adapts to any prototyping board
Exostiv overview - composed of Exostiv IP, Exostiv Probe and Exostiv Probe Client application

Exostiv Probes


Front panel connectors

QSFP28, Samtec ARF-6

4 x SFP+, custom HDMI

Number of transceivers



Max. data rate per transceiver

16.25 Gbps

12.5 Gbps

Total available bandwidth

65 Gbps

50 Gbps

Capture memory

8 GB

8 GB

Software environment

Environment v2 (DARK)
2 Applications
- Exostiv Core Inserter
- Exostiv Probe Client


Full production

End of life.
Installed base fully supported.
Click here for technical specifications.

EP16000 and EP12000 side by side with corresponding software environments


Download connecting guide (PDF)

Exostiv Probe EP16000 connects to FPGA chips transceivers, supporting up to 4 transceivers at 16.25 Gbps each (up to 65 Gbps per connector).
Exostiv Probe front panel provides 2 type connector types:
– QSFP28, compatible connectivity such as QSFP+, SFP28 or SFP+ with adapters are supported.
– SAMTEC ARF-6. This solution offers a small footprint connectivity solution for boards where space is limited. Cable reference part number: ARC6-08-xx.x-LU-LD-2-1.
EP16000 Probe front panel with QSFP28 and ARF-6 connectors

Exostiv Probe standard and compatible connection options - standard is QSFP28 to 4 transceivers with a total bandwidth for Exostiv Probe of 65 Gbps per connector
SAMTEC ARC-6 cable used with EP16000 Exostiv Probe

EP16000 Probe connected to FPGA board

Exostiv IPs overview

(Please click here for details about legacy IPs generated with Exostiv Dashboard v1 and EP12000 Probe.)
Exostiv offers a range of IP types tailored to accommodate diverse capture scenarios.
Exostiv Standard IP offers unparalleled flexibility, heightened interactivity in capture scenarios, and the fastest sampling speed, reaching up to 800 MHz.
With Exostiv Extended Width IP*, users can achieve the widest reach of up to 65k nodes while minimizing the impact on FPGA resources. By integrating multiple instances of either Exostiv IP, users can expand their node coverage even further within a single or across multiple FPGAs. Each IP instance uses from 1 to 4 FPGA transceivers.

Standard IP

Overview of Exostiv IP architecture
Main features include:

  • Multiple capture unit with distinct sampling clock source
  • Sampling up to 800 MHz
  • Up to 16 x 2K bits simult. sampling per IP core instance
  • Multiple data groups with dynamic selection at runtime
  • Dynamic triggering and data qualification conditions selection
  • Cross-clock domain triggering
  • Trigger positioning across the whole Exostiv Probe capture memory
  • BRAM-based and Streaming (DDR based) modes of captures

Extended Width IP

Exostiv extended width IP
Main features include:

  • Single capture unit to minimze resources and increase reach.
  • Sampling up to 109 MHz
  • Up to 65K bits simult. sampling per IP core instance
  • Dynamic triggering
  • In / Out trigger with adjustable input trigger delay for multiple IP chaining
  • Trigger positioning across the whole Exostiv Probe capture memory
  • Simplified streaming (DDR based) mode of capture
  • Extremely small footprint.

Exostiv IPs are configured, generated and inserted with the Exostiv Core Inserter software. Exostiv Core Inserter includes controls used to:

  • Select the IP type.
  • Define the location and settings of the FPGA transceivers used by the IP instance.
  • Define the features and FPGA resources used by the IP.
  • Set up the inputs ports of the IP instance and possibly select the observed nodes from the design under test.
  • Generate and potentially insert the IP core into the target design.

IP insertion flows

Exostiv Core Inserter enables IP generation, insertion and modification at 3 levels:
  • RTL level: Exostiv IP instances are generated as a synthesized netlist with a VHDL or Verilog wrapper, design constraints and insertion template. The IP is inserted into the target design by the user like any other part of the design. Afterwards, the whole design has to be synthesized and implemented by the user. This mode of insertion provides full control to the user for insertion in the source code.
  • Netlist level: (AMD FPGA only) Prior to proceeding with this type of insertion, the user has to load a post-synthesis design checkpoint in the FPGA vendor tool. Exostiv Core Inserter interacts with the vendor tool to select the sampling clock signals and the nodes to be observed with the Exostiv IP instance. Thereafter, Exostiv IP instances are synthesized and automatically inserted into the target design netlist. This is followed by automatic or manual implementation (P&R) and bitstream generation.
  • ECO (Engineering Change Order – AMD FPGA only – Exostiv Software environment v2 only): This special level enables late modifications of the connections between a specific IP instance and the design under test. Prior to proceeding with it, the user has to load a post place and route DCP into the vendor tool. Exostiv Core Inserter interacts with the vendor tool to modify the existing connections with the FPGA under test. When the Exostiv IP resources need not to be modified, this mode provides the fastests turnaround time to observe new sets of FPGA nodes.
IP insertion flows, synthetic view

Technical specifications

*** The tables below provide the technical specifications for Exostiv with EP16000 probe and software environment v2.***
Click here to access the technical specifications of Exostiv with EP12000 probe and software environment v1.

Devices & Platforms

Supported FPGA devices*

AMD devices families:  AMD Versal™ Adaptive SoCs, AMD UItrascale™+, AMD Ultrascale™, AMD Virtex™ 7, AMD Zynq™, AMD Kintex™ 7, AMD Artix™ 7

Exostiv Probe connectivity

QSFP28, QSFP+, SFP28, SFP+, Samtech ARF-6

Other connectors with adapter.

PC connectivity

USB 2.0 and USB 3.0

PC requirements

min. 8GB RAM available

OS Support

Windows, Linux and MacOS

Win 64 versions 10 and 11.

* For other devices, please contact us.


Probe memory

8 GB


QSFP28, QSFP+ with standard cable

SFP28, SFP+ with standard cable with splitter
Samtec ARF-6 with ARC-6 cable (ARC6-08-xx.x-LU-LD-2-1)

Number of transceivers

1 to 4

Max. data rate per channel

16.25 Gbps

Max. sampling rate in FPGA

800 MHz

Max. nr of observable nodes

32,768 with standard IP

65,536 with ext. width IP

Max. nr of capture units / clock domains

16 with standard IP

1 with ext. width IP

Max. nr of FPGA nodes per capture unit

2,048 with standard IP
65,536 with ext. width IP

Min. FPGA memory per capture unit

1 block RAM

Data Groups multiplexing

Up to 16 groups per capture unit (standard IP)

Triggering capabilities

Standard IP:
Level or transition
AND, OR, range conditions

Data qualification

Concurrent triggering of 1 to 16 capture units.
Cross clock domain triggering
Trigger positioning
Trigger counter

Ext. Width IP:

Simple trigger capabilities - contact us for details.

Capture modes

Stream to probe or burst to probe

Synthesis / Implementation

Exostiv Core Inserter 

(Applies to AMD devices)
Requires AMD Vivado™ 2019.2 to 2024.2

Insertion flow

(Applies to AMD devices)
Manual RTL insertion

After synthesis (netlist level)

Updates after P&R (ECO flow)

Data visualization

With MYRIAD waveform viewer

Data export

.vcd, .csv (text) and binary formats

Is this for you? Schedule a 30 min. talk and find out.

    Exostiv Probe – Walkthrough