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Exostiv Dashboard Tcl commands list

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Exostiv Dashboard Tcl commands list

– To get this list of commands from the Exostiv Dashboard Tcl shell, type:
> help
– To get a more detailed help on a specific Tcl command, type:
> help <command name>
– The full list is available from the Exostiv Dashboard Tcl user’s reference guide (pdf).
add_cuAdds a new capture unit
add_data_groupAdds a new data group to the active capture unit
add_probeAdds a new probe input to the active data group
add_qualification_and_signalAdds signal to the data qualification AND equation sensitivity list
add_qualification_or_signalAdds signal to the data qualification OR equation sensitivity list
add_trigger_and_signalAdds signal to the trigger AND equation sensitivity list
add_trigger_or_signalAdds signal to the trigger OR equation sensitivity list
clock_outputEnables / Disables Exostiv Probe output clock generation
close_projectCloses the active project
connect_probeConnects the designated Exostiv Probe through USB
consoleSwitches to 'TCL console' mode only - no GUI
dialogsEnables / Disables Exostiv Dashboard dialogs
disconnect_probeDisconnects the Exostiv Probe from USB
export_waveExecutes wave export
get_all_cu_namesReturns all the defined capture units names
get_all_data_group_namesReturns all the defined data group names for the active capture unit
get_all_probe_namesReturns all the defined probes for the active data group
get_allow_drc_checkReturns if DRC check is enabled for Exostiv IP implementation
get_auto_exportReturns the status of captured data automatic export
get_auto_export_file_formatReturns the automatic export of captured data file format
get_auto_export_file_nameReturns the file name to which the captured data is automatically exported
get_auto_export_output_folderReturns the output folder for captured data automatic export
get_auto_export_radixReturns the radix encoding for the auto-exported captured data
get_capture_statusReturns the status of the running capture
get_cellsReturns the list of cells located at the specified hierarchical level
get_clock_output_statusReturns the usage status of the Exostiv Probe output clock
get_clock_transceiver_bankReturns the number of the FPGA bank chosen for the transceiver clock
get_cu_nameReturns the name of the selected capture unit
get_data_group_nameReturns the name of the selected data group
get_debugging_cu_nameReturns the name of the capture unit selected for capture in the Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
get_debugging_data_group_nameReturns the name of the data group selected for capture in the Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
get_design_rules_checkChecks whether DRC is enabled or disabled after Exostiv IP insertion
get_disable_wave_viewerChecks whether the usage of the waveform viewer is enabled or disabled
get_down_equalizationReturns the downstream channel transceiver equalization parameter.
get_down_preferred_rate_divisionReturns the preferred division factor for the probe to IP communication channel
get_down_rate_divisionReturns the actual division factor for the probe to IP communication channel
get_down_transceiver_laneReturns the location of the lane used for the downstream transceiver
get_event_counter_widthReturns the width in number of bits of the event counter of the active capture unit
get_exportwave_filenameReturns the output file name for wave export
get_exportwave_formatReturns the chosen file format for the exported waves
get_exportwave_outputfolderReturns the output folder chosen for wave export
get_exportwave_radixReturns the radix of the exported waves values
get_exportwave_rangeReturns the range of waves that will be exported from the waveform window
get_exportwave_samplesReturns which samples will be exported from the waveform window
get_familyReturns the chosen FPGA family for Exostiv IP
get_fifo_depthReturns the size of the FIFO of the active capture unit
get_generate_bitstreamReturns whether bitstream generation is part of Exostiv IP generation flow
get_i2c_io_standardReturns the chosen IO standard for the downstream I2C interface on the 'HDMI' connector type
get_implement_designReturns whether implementation is enabled or disabled after Exostiv IP generation and synthesis
get_implementation_nameReturns the name of the FPGA implementation
get_instance_nameReturns the instance name chosen for Exostiv IP
get_is_probe_triggerReturns whether the designated probe of Exostiv IP is used as a trigger line
get_link_clock_frequencyReturns the clock frequency of the transceivers link
get_netsSearches and returns the list of nets according to the specified arguments
get_nr_of_data_groupsReturns the total number of data groups for the active capture unit
get_nr_of_data_only_probesReturns the number of 'data only' probes for the selected data group
get_nr_of_data_probesReturns the number of probes for the selected data group
get_nr_of_pipesReturns the number of pipeline stages inserted in the path between the probed nodes and Exostiv IP
get_number_of_capturesReturns the number of captures for Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
get_output_folderReturns the output folder where the genarated Exostiv IP files are stored. Applies to RTL insertion mode.
get_packageReturns the target FPGA package for Exostiv IP
get_partReturns the target FPGA part number for Exostiv IP
get_pll_typeReturns the type of PLL used for the Exostiv IP transceivers
get_probe_nameReturns the name of the currently selected probe of the active data group in the active capture unit
get_qualification_and_equation_enableReturns whether the active signal is used in the data qualification AND equation
get_qualification_and_invert_enableReturns whether the inverter located at the output of the data qualification AND equation is enabled
get_qualification_and_operationReturns the operation for the selected signal in the AND equation of the data qualification
get_qualification_combine_enableReturns the type of combination used at the output of the data qualification equation (AND or OR)
get_qualification_combine_invert_enableReturns whether the inverter located at the output of the data qualification combination is enabled or disabled
get_qualification_counter_enableReturns the usage status for the data qualification counter when capturing data
get_qualification_counter_valueReturns the current value of the data qualification counter for data capture
get_qualification_or_equation_enableReturns whether the active signal is used in the data qualification OR equation
get_qualification_or_invert_enableReturns whether the inverter located at the output of the data qualification OR equation is enabled
get_qualification_or_operationReturns the operation for the selected signal in the OR equation of the data qualification
get_qualification_selected_tab_propertyReturns whether the data qualification tab is selected in Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer GUI
get_quartus_installation_folderReturns installation folder designated for Quartus software executable
get_samples_per_captureReturns the chosen number of samples per capture in Exostiv Analyzer
get_sampling_clockReturns the name of the node selected as sampling clock for the active capture unit
get_selected_signal_name_qualification_and_equationReturns the name of the active signal of the qualification AND equation
get_selected_signal_name_qualification_or_equationReturns the name of the active signal of the qualification OR equation
get_selected_signal_name_trigger_and_equationReturns the name of the active signal of the trigger AND equation
get_selected_signal_name_trigger_or_equationReturns the name of the active signal of the trigger OR equation
get_speed_gradeReturns the target FPGA speed grade
get_statusReturns the status of the running IP insertion
get_storage_qualificationChecks whether storage qualification is enabled for the selected capture unit
get_stored_capturesReturns the number of captures stored in the Exostiv Probe memory
get_stored_samplesReturns the number of samples stored in the Exostiv Probe memory
get_topReturns the name of the top-level of the design
get_transfer_modeReturns the selected capture transfer mode
get_trigger_and_equation_enableReturns whether the active signal is used in the trigger AND equation
get_trigger_and_invert_enableReturns whether the inverter located at the output of the trigger AND equation is enabled
get_trigger_and_operationReturns the operation defined for the active signal in the trigger AND equation
get_trigger_combine_enableReturns the type of combination used at the output of the trigger equation (AND or OR)
get_trigger_combine_invert_enableReturns whether the inverter located at the output of the trigger combination is enabled or disabled
get_trigger_counter_enableReturns the usage status for the trigger counter when capturing data
get_trigger_counter_valueReturns the current value of the trigger counter for data capture
get_trigger_or_equation_enableReturns whether the active signal is used in the data qualification OR equation
get_trigger_or_invert_enableReturns whether the inverter located at the output of the trigger OR equation is enabled
get_trigger_or_operationReturns the operation defined for the active signal in the trigger OR equation
get_trigger_positionReturns the trigger position in each capture (sample index)
get_trigger_selected_tab_propertyReturns whether the trigger tab is selected in the graphical user interface
get_trigger_unit_typeReturns the type of the trigger unit for the selected capture unit
get_up_line_rateReturns the upstream line rate
get_up_link_rateReturns the upstream link rate
get_up_transceiver_bankReturns the selected bank for the transceivers used upstream
get_up_transceiver_lanesReturns the selected lanes for the transceivers used upstream
get_use_cacheCheck whether the Exostiv IP cache is used for IP generation or insertion
get_use_qualification_for_triggerReturns whether the result of the data qualification equation is used as part of the trigger equation
get_vcc_gxbReturns the chosen vcc_gxb parameter value
get_vivado_installation_folderReturns installation folder designated for Vivado software executable
guiDisplays the Exostiv Dashboard graphical user interface
has_licenseChecks whether a license is available for Exostiv Dashboard software
is_link_upChecks whether there is a valid connection with an Exostiv IP in the target FPGA
is_probe_connectedChecks whether the Exostiv Probe is connected
is_qualification_selectedReturns whether the qualification tab is selected in the Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer GUI
is_runningReturns whether the Exostiv IP generation / insertion is running
is_trigger_selectedReturns whether the trigger tab is selected in the Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer GUI
make_probe_busMakes bus of the designated probes in the Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
new_projectCreates new project in Exostiv Dashboard
open_projectOpens an existing project in Exostiv Dashboard
project_changedCheck whether the active project has been modified since it was opened
remove_cuRemoves the selected capture unit from Exostiv IP
remove_data_groupRemoves the selected data group from the selected capture unit
remove_probeRemoves the selected probe from the selected data group
remove_qualification_and_signalRemoves a signal from the data qualification AND equation sensitivity list
remove_qualification_or_signalRemoves a signal from the data qualification OR equation sensitivity list
remove_trigger_and_signalRemoves a signal from the trigger AND equation sensitivity list
remove_trigger_or_signalRemoves a signal from the trigger OR equation sensitivity list
rename_probeEdits the name of the designated probe in the selected data group
restore_probeRestores the original name of the designated probe(s)
save_projectSaves the current project
select_capture_configurationSelects the capture configuration page in Exostiv Dashboard GUI
select_cuSelects a capture unit in Exostiv Dashboard Core Inserter
select_data_groupSelects a data group in Exostiv Dashboard Core Inserter
select_debugging_cuSelects a capture unit in Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
select_debugging_data_groupSelects a data group in Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
select_design_debuggingSelects the Exostiv Dashboard 'Design Debugging' window (Analyzer)
select_insertionSelects the Exostiv Dashboard 'Core Insertion' window (Core Inserter)
select_link_configurationSelects the Exostiv Dashboard 'Link Configuration window (Core Inserter)
select_probeSelects the designated probe in the active capture unit
select_qualificationSelects the data qualification tab in Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer GUI
select_qualification_and_signalSelects one signal in the data qualification AND equation sensitivity list
select_qualification_or_signalSelects one signal in the data qualification OR equation sensitivity list
select_triggerSelects the trigger tab in Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer GUI
select_trigger_and_signalSelects one signal in the trigger AND equation sensitivity list
select_trigger_or_signalSelects one signal in the trigger OR equation sensitivity list
set_allow_drc_checkMakes the DRC check option (un)available to the user in the Exostiv IP insertion flow
set_auto_exportEnables / Disables captured data automatic export
set_auto_export_file_formatSets the captured data automatic export file format
set_auto_export_file_nameSets the captured data automatic export file name
set_auto_export_output_folderSets the captured data automatic export file output folder
set_auto_export_radixSets the radix format for the captured data automatic export
set_clock_transceiver_bankSelects the bank of the Exostiv IP transceivers clock
set_connector_typeSelects the Exostiv Probe connector type
set_data_group_nameDefines the name of the active data group
set_design_rules_checkEnables or disables design rules check in the Exostiv IP insertion flow
set_disable_wave_viewerDisables / Enable the usage of the waveform viewer for the captured data
set_down_equalizationSets the downstream channel transceiver equalization parameter.
set_down_preferred_rate_divisionSets the preferred division factor for the probe to IP communication channel
set_down_transceiver_laneSets the location of the transceiver used downstream
set_event_counter_widthSets the width in number of bits of the event counter of the active capture unit
set_exportwave_filenameSets the output file name for wave export
set_exportwave_formatSets the output file format for the exported waves
set_exportwave_outputfolderSets the output folder where the exported waves will be saved
set_exportwave_radixSets the radix for the export waves values
set_exportwave_rangeDefines the range of values that have to be exported from the export window when a range option is selected
set_exportwave_samplesDefines which samples have to be exported from the waveform window
set_familySelects the target FPGA family
set_fifo_depthSelects the depth of the FIFO for the active capture unit
set_generate_bitstreamEnables / Disable bitstream generation with Exostiv IP core insertion
set_i2c_io_standardSelects the IO standtard for the I2C downstream channel (HDMI connector type)
set_i2c_pinsSelects the FPGA pin locations for the I2C downstream channel (HDMI connector type)
set_implement_designEnables / disables design implementation with Exostiv IP core insertion
set_implementation_nameSelects the name of the design implementation when inserting Exostiv IP
set_instance_nameDefines the name of the Exostiv IP instance inserter into the target design
set_link_clock_frequencySets the clock frequency of the transceiver link
set_link_clock_sourceDefines the location of the transceiver clock in the selected bank
set_nr_of_data_groupsDefines the number of data groups for Exostiv IP
set_nr_of_data_only_probesDefines the number of 'data only probes' for the active data group
set_nr_of_data_probesDefines the number of data probes for the active data group (RTL insertion mode)
set_nr_of_pipesDefines the number of pipeline stages in the path between probes and Exostiv IP
set_number_of_capturesSets the number of captures for the next Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer run
set_output_folderSets the output folder where the genarated Exostiv IP files are stored. Applies to RTL insertion mode.
set_packageSelects the target FPGA package
set_partSelects the target FPGA part
set_pll_typeSelects the PLL type for the transceivers (Intel FPGA)
set_probe_as_triggerSets whether the selected probe can be used as trigger for Exostiv IP
set_qualification_and_equationEnables / disables the AND equation for the data qualification in Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
set_qualification_and_invertEnables or disables the inverter located at the output of the data qualification AND equation
set_qualification_and_operationDefines the AND operation for the selected signal in the data qualification operation in Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
set_qualification_combineDefines the type of combination (and / or) used at the output of the data qualification equation
set_qualification_combine_invertEnables / disables the inverter located at the output of the data qualification combination
set_qualification_counter_enableEnables or disables the usage of the data qualification counter for data capture
set_qualification_counter_valueSets the value of the data qualification counter for data capture
set_qualification_or_equationEnables or disables the active signal OR equation for the data qualification
set_qualification_or_invertEnables or disables the inverter located at the output of the data qualification OR equation
set_qualification_or_operationDefines the OR operation for the selected signal in the data qualification operation in Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
set_quartus_installation_folderDesignates the installation folder of the Quartus software executable
set_samples_per_captureDefines the number of samples per captures for the Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
set_sampling_clockDefines the sampling clock for the selected capture unit
set_speed_gradeSelects the target FPGA speed grade
set_storage_qualificationEnables / Disables storage qualification for the active capture unit
set_transfer_modeSelects the capture transfer mode
set_trigger_and_equationEnables / disables the AND equation for the trigger in Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
set_trigger_and_invertEnables or disables the inverter located at the output of the trigger AND equation
set_trigger_and_operationDefines the AND operation for the selected signal in the trigger operation in Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
set_trigger_combineDefines the type of combination (and / or) used at the output of the trigger equation
set_trigger_combine_invertEnables / disables the inverter located at the output of the trigger combination
set_trigger_counter_enableEnables or disables the usage of the trigger counter for data capture
set_trigger_counter_valueSets the value of the trigger counter for data capture
set_trigger_or_equationEnables / disables the OR equation for the trigger in Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
set_trigger_or_invertEnables or disables the inverter located at the output of the trigger OR equation
set_trigger_or_operationDefines the OR operation for the selected signal in the trigger operation in Exostiv Dashboard Analyzer
set_trigger_positionSets the trigger position in each capture
set_trigger_unit_typeDefines the type of trigger unit for the active capture unit in Exostiv Core Inserter
set_up_line_rateSets the upstream line rate
set_up_transceiver_bankSelects the bank for the upstream transceivers
set_up_transceiver_lanesSelects the upstream transceivers that will be used
set_use_cacheEnables / disables IP cache for Exostiv IP generation and insertion
set_use_qualification_for_triggerDefines whether the result of the data qualification equations has to be valid for the trigger equation
set_vcc_gxbSets the 'vcc_gxb' parameter
set_vivado_installation_folderDesignates the installation folder of the Vivado software executable
split_probe_busSplits the designated probe bus
start_captureStarts a capture with the Exostiv Probe
start_insertionStarts Exostiv IP core generation and insertion
start_single_captureStarts a single capture without trigger or data qualification
stop_captureStops the running Exostiv Analyzer capture
stop_insertionStops the running Exostiv Dashboard core insertion